“The best way of predicting the future is to shape it.”

Background to the person
I do my very utmost to make cities more more life enhancing and sustainable for people with the help of digitalisation. What is important to me is that digitalisation solutions offer real added value, and that changes are noticeable. And I have a passion – for chocolate.

Karina Schäfer
Business Development & Sales

EDAG Group

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“Smart city solutions must bring about added value for the user.”

Background to the person
My mission is to combine mobility with the smart city. In order to guarantee our success, we must bring together technology experts who will win people over with smart solutions and secure the business models of all partners.

Heiko Herchet
Senior Sales Manager Software + Digitalisation

EDAG Group

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“Smart mobility hubs are the most important mobility spots of the future.”

Background to the person
I am employed as a product owner by trive.me, the EDAG Group’s incubator for smart city and mobility services. I work with our team to push ahead with the digital transformation of the mobility industry, with the development and operation of digital software services for car parks and mobility hubs.

Alexander Süssemilch
Business Development & Sales

EDAG Group

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„Digitalisation must offer added value.“

Background to the person
I have years of experience in the application of digital methods and processes in the automobile environment. I can now bring this experience to bear in our smart city activities, for instance within the context of the digitalisation of administrative services. I this way I, too, would like to make my contribution towards enhancing life in our cities.

Jana Speidel
Senior Process Digitalisation

EDAG Group

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“It always seems impossible until it’s done.”

Helping to shape the cities of our future is a matter of importance to me. Not just having innovative ideas in my head, but actually moving them forward. In the process, our focus should be on creating added value for the city dwellers.

Judith Schultze
Business Development & Sales

EDAG Group

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“Digitalisation is only one of the contributors to avoiding waste in processes.”

Background to the person
I have gained a great deal of experience in making processes in industry more efficient. I would now like to build on this experience and improve processes in day-to-day life. What drives me here is the conviction that the creation of added value in the process also reduces resource consumption at all levels.

Robert Rech
Senior consultant for processes,
methods & tools

EDAG Group

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We are always on the lookout for creative thinkers who are interested in supporting cities and municipalities on their way to becoming smart cities.
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