EDAG at the SCEWC in Barcelona.
The Smart City Expo World Congress in Barcelona is considered the world’s leading event for sustainable improvement of the quality of life in cities. More than 1000 exhibitors from over 140 countries presented their smart city solutions at the congress.
This year, EDAG was once again present at the event and could be found as a co-exhibitor at the FIWARE Foundation stand.
In line with the focus topics of the SCEWC, such as energy, environment, mobility and administration, we as EDAG presented our Smart City solutions. In addition, we also had the opportunity to give short presentations on the heavy rain early alarm system in the district of Fulda and on our open source smart city dashboards.
Furthermore, we were able to use the trade fair to inform and inspire ourselves about worldwide Smart City projects. After all, Smart City is to be seen as a joint effort and solutions do not have to be developed from scratch all the time. Rather, it is about learning from others and creating tangible added value for citizens in the end.
If you would like to find out more about the fair, you are welcome to click here.


Karina Schäfer
Business Development & Sales
EDAG Group